Tuesday, November 9, 2010

heat exchanger cleaning equipments

What is Heat exchanger cleaning equipment anyway, what does it do? For starters, it is a device that is set up to assist effective heat transfers from one entity or element to another. There are different kinds of heat exchangers which are generally used in many devices today:

 Plate Heat which has lots of plates in it that are thin and a little separated when placed on the device. It is usually huge in surface area which facilitates in processing heat transfers easily. Compared to the usual shell and tube heat exchanger cleaning equipment, it is said to be much efficient for its stacked plate layout. For several years now, several machines have transformed to this kind of heat exchanger due to its expediency and effectiveness when used. This type of heat exchanger cleaning equipment can be seen in refrigerator, which this can be one of the two kinds of heat exchanger: the dip-brazed or vacuum-brazed type.

 Plate Fin on the other hand use a sandwich passages, which this type of heat exchanger cleaning equipment increases the efficiency of the machine of the appliance. In a plate fin heat exchanger there are a wide variety of designs that is being highlighted; among them are the straight fins, offset fins and wavy fins.
Such a design is likewise particular in some cross flow and counter flow designs of heat exchanger cleaning equipment. Exhibiting such a high efficiency on heat transfer can be credited to the aluminum alloy which it was made from; such combination enables the plate fin to labor in a lower temperature while decreasing the equipments’ weight where it was installed. Such a type of heat exchange cleaning equipment is usually installed on big machines such as natural gas plants, air separation plants…etc, etc. and likewise on motor engines.

 Adiabatic Wheels heat exchanger uses intermediate fluids and even solids during the heat transfer procedure. It consists of a huge wheel attached together with very fine threads which spins thorough any hot and cold form. This in turn facilitates the effective transfer between the hot and cold fluids.
These types of heat exchanger cleaning equipments and all its different varieties can be accessed through the net, no matter what kind of machine it’s being attached to. The fact still remains that it’s what makes the machine works well and properly which fine tune it from time to time.

Cooling towers

Cooling towers has come a long way ever since it was invented; it helps a lot in transforming the excessive amount of heat into one that gives much comfort and gives cooling effect to humans. It is designed and made in different types; however their effectiveness still remains the same.
Here are the several types of cooling towers:

 Atmospheric cooling tower which does not use mechanical fan to make the air flow to the tower, its air derived from the natural stimulation flow supplied by pressure spray.
 Mechanical draft on the other hand, uses more than one fan to be able to move the large sum of air through the cooling tower. It is however divided into two classes of cooling towers, the forced draft and induced draft cooling towers.
With respect as to how the water falls, either class may be counter blow or cross flow types of air flow. Cross flow specifies that the airflow horizontally fills a certain portion of the tower while counter flow simply implies that the direction of the air flow is heading the other direction of the water.
o Forced draft- its fan forces the air into a low velocity straight through the packing and then perpendicularly against the descending flow of water that happens on each side.
o Induced draft however, which has one or more fans draw the air ascendant going against the descending flow of the water passing around the wooden deck. Because of the airflow’s opposite direction from the water flow, the coolest water at the base is in touched with the humid air, which results in greater efficiency of air transfer.
 Hybrid draft- is fitted with automatic draft fans to enhance the flow of air. They are likewise known as fan-assisted natural damp towers, its design is intended to reduce the energy needed for the movement of the air; with the hope of least possible mass cost collision.
 Spray-filled cooling tower- doesn’t have a heat transfer effect surface; it relies on the water fragment provided by the circulation system to uphold total water to air flow.

These are just some of the several types of cooling towers that you may find that are still in use today. To fins more such kinds of cooling towers, the internet provides a lot of information which would practically help you understand more on how such complicated yet useful mechanical machines were built.

Chemical engineering graduate

The United States of America, this is the most sought after country in the entire planet. Everybody form the developed up to the underdeveloped countries would dream of living in a country where opportunities and everything abounds.

Even young people who dreamt of making it big in the land of opportunity would love to finish any degree in such a developed country, how much more for those who are planning on taking up a chemical engineering course. Knowing that chemical engineering graduate in the US of A, actually have better opportunities. So, if you’re one of those who are dreaming of studying abroad and planning on taking up chemical engineering course. Here are the top colleges and universities which offers chemical engineering courses, universities and colleges that you might have heard of wherever you are in the part of the world.

 University of Chicago- this ranks first as one of the best universities that offer chemical engineering. It has the best research and technological facilities and infrastructures among the known colleges and universities. To be admitted into such a fine institution, you need to fill up their common application form> as well as their basis on admitting you is through your secondary or high school report’s card, teacher’s evaluations, ACT or SAT score. As well as every future student are required to submit a short essay on why they would want to enroll in such university. Online questions are likewise being provided for those who are interested to go through their site.
 The Harvard University, which is one of the oldest private University in the US. Aside from being known to produce quality graduates from Law, Medicine and in Business Courses. Student’s can also choose from it wide array of courses that it’s been offering for its students, and among those options is the College of chemical engineering course. Harvard University is likewise accredited by NEASC-CI HE which gives full accreditation on private institutions in America. Today, Harvard University goes with the flow in the use of modern technology, they likewise offers courses through their online schooling for those who cannot attend personally or go through the campus personally. To be admitted to such a fine private institution, make sure that you got a SAT score of 2080-2370 or an ACT score of 31-34.
 Then there’s The Yale University which is situated on New Haven. To get admitted at Yale University you need to apply online which is highly recommended for your admission. You need to have your high school transcript of records as well as take the College Entrance Examination Board (CEEB) which will determine your eligibility.
These are just among the few Universities and colleges which offers chemical engineering courses among other courses that you may be interested in taking up. You may spend thousands and thousands of money in studying such universities but you can be assured that a chemical engineering graduate student from such colleges would be given such high priority than those that came from other colleges.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

umrah dan haji.

Pakej umrah banyak company dan syarikat yang buat, tapi pilih lah syarikat yang ada track rekod yang bagus...

Lebih bagus buat umrah dan haji.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Pakej Ziarah

Ziarah Madinah

Pengharaman Kota Madinah dan Sempadan Haramnya
Rasulullah s.a.w mengharamkan Kota Madinah sebagaimana Nabi Ibrahim a.s telah mengharamkan Kota Mekah al-Mukarramah. Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda: (Madinah) Kawasan yang berada di antara dua batu hitam merupakan kawasan haram.

Sempadan Haram Kota Madinah Munawwarah:


Kawasan yang terletak di antara dua batu hitam: Dua batu hitam ialah: Dua gurun yang panas di timur dan suatu ketika dahulu dikenali dengan gurun Waqim manakala gurun di baratnya pula dikenali dengan gurun Wabrah.


Pengharaman kawasan yang terletak di antara dua gurun dan ketiga-tiga perlembahannya iaitu Jama' Tadaru', Jama' Ummu Khalid dan Jama' Aqil atau Aqir iaitu bukit-bukit kecil yang memanjang ke perlembahan Aqiq dari sebelah barat telaga Urwah (berhampiran Universiti Islam).


Pengharaman kawasan antara Thur dan 'Ier.


Thur ialah bukit kecil di belakang bukit Uhud. Ia berwarna merah. Kini di sebelah belakangnya terdapat jalan menuju ke lapangan terbang.


'Ier ialah bukit hitam besar yang terletak di sebelah barat daya Zul Hulaifah (kini dikenali dengan Abar Ali). Terdapat lebuhraya di lereng sebelah baratnya.


Madinah adalah bumi yang paling dikasihi oleh Allah s.w.t kerana ia merupakan: Tempat Nabi s.a.w berhijrah dan tempat tidur baginda manakala penduduknya pula merupakan jiran-jiran serta penolong baginda. Madinah juga merupakan gedung iman dan di sanalah iman dapat bertahan di akhir zaman nanti. Di pintu-pintu masuknya terdapat pengawal yang terdiri daripada Malaikat. Dajal dan penyakit taun tidak akan dapat memasukinya. Ia merupakan negara terakhir di dunia ini yang diruntuhkan. Ia juga merupakan tempat diturunkan wahyu. Hampir kesemua tempat di Madinah diturunkan ayat-ayat Al-Quran atau diriwayatkan Hadis-hadis. Ia adalah Haram Allah dan RasulNya s.a.w (Haramain).


Sesiapa yang berniat buruk terhadapnya, Allah s.w.t akan membalasnya seperti garam yang larut di dalam air. Ianya terhindar dari segala keburukan atau kejahatan kerana sesungguhnya Rasulullah s.a.w pernah berdoa untuknya yang bermaksud: Ya Allah, jadikanlah kami semua agar tetap menyintai Kota Madinah sebagaimana yang Engkau anugerahkan perasaan cinta kepada Kota Mekah, bahkan lebih dari itu.

Haji umrah pakej

Definisi Haji:
Haji dari sudut bahasa: Menuju kepada Allah Yang Maha Agung.
Haji dari sudut Syarak: Mengabdikan diri kepada Allah s.w.t dengan mengerjakan ibadat Haji. Ia adalah pekerjaan-pekerjaan tertentu yang dikerjakan pada masa, tempat dan cara tertentu.
Semua Mazhab bersependapat tentang definisi Haji.

Haji Tamattu`
Haji Tamattu' ialah berihram Umrah pada bulan-bulan Haji. Setelah selesai mengerjakan Umrah dan telahpun bertahalul, orang haji akan berniat Ihram Haji pada hari Tarwiah dan dia dikenakan menyembelih Dam.

Haji Qiran
Haji Qiran ialah berniat Umrah dan Haji secara serentak dan orang Haji tidak boleh bertahallul dari Ihram sebelum melontar Jamrah Aqabah serta bercukur atau bergunting. Dia dikenakan menyembelih Dam.

Haji Ifrad
Haji Ifrad ialah berniat Ihram Haji sahaja dari miqat kemudian hendaklah kekal di dalam Ihramnya sehingga ke hari Nahar (korban). Orang Haji yang mengerjakan Haji Ifrad tidak dikenakan Dam.

Hukum dan Dalilnya:
Ibadat Haji difardhukan sekali seumur hidup bagi setiap orang Islam, samada lelaki atau perempuan.

Dalil dari al-Quran:
Firman Allah s.w.t yang bermaksud: Dan Allah mewajibkan manusia mengerjakan ibadat Haji dengan mengunjungi Baitullah iaitu sesiapa yang mampu sampai kepadanya dan sesiapa yang kufur (ingkarkan kewajipan ibadat Haji itu), maka sesungguhnya Allah Maha Kaya (tidak berhajatkan sesuatu pun) dari sekalian makhluk.
Allah s.w.t telah memfardhukan ibadat Haji pada tahun kesembilan hijrah dan Nabi s.a.w tidak pernah mengerjakan ibadat Haji kecuali Haji Wida'.

Dalil dari Hadis:
Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda yang bermaksud: " Islam dibina atas lima rukun." baginda menyebut di antaranya ialah ibadat Haji.
Sabda Rasulullah s.a.w yang bermaksud:

" Tidak ada ganjaran bagi Ibadat Haji yang mabrur kecuali Syurga."
Sabda Rasulullah s.a.w yang bermaksud: " Sesiapa yang mengerjakan ibadat Haji dan tidak sekali-kali menyetubuhi isterinya juga tidak melakukan maksiat nescaya dia kembali suci bersih sebagaimana hari dia dilahirkan." Sabda Rasulullah s.a.w yang bermaksud: "Wahai umatku semua! Sesungguhnya Allah telah memfardhukan ibadat Haji kepada kamu, oleh itu kamu hendaklah mengerjakan ibadat Haji. Lalu seorang lelaki bertanya baginda: Adakah wajib dikerjakan pada setiap tahun wahai Rasulullah? Rasulullah s.a.w hanya diam sehinggalah lelaki tersebut bertanya kali ketiga lantas Rasulullah s.a.w menjawab: Jika aku katakan Ya, nescaya kamu wajib mengerjakannya pada setiap tahun, oleh itu kerjakanlah ibadat Haji ketika kamu berkemampuan."

Semua imam-imam bersependapat bahawa ibadat Haji adalah fardhu, malah ia adalah rukun Islam kelima dan ia juga fardhu yang perlu dikerjakan secepat mungkin.

Pakej Haji

Pakej Haji
Pakej Haji dan umrah
Pakej Umrah dan haji